Experience Barre of Vermont



Donate to Experience Barre


Experience Barre was first launched in January 2019.

A website directory that seeks to enhance local commerce activity with the inclusion of many points of interest to visitors and locals alike.

Since its inception has had positive feedback from many.

This porject, however, is very much in need of funding. While it was born a year before the pandemic took hold, its revenue base did not have much of a chance to grow as a result.

Your donation, however smaill, will help.

Experinece Barre was created by marcia Horne, Marketing Consulting, now Digital Media Vermont. Digital MEdia Vermont continues to work to develop and manage the project.

Many thanks to all those who have participated and contributed to this project.

And thank you for your donation.

Marcia Horne
Web Specialist and Owner
Digital Media Vermont
Phone: 802-622-8000
Email: info@digitalmediavermont.com






Experience the Northeast Kingdom

Experience Montpelier


Experience Barre accepts donations.Funding this projext helps bring business to area businesses. Please donate. Your help is greatly appreciated. ...More

Interested in Advertising on Experience Barre?

It's just $10 per month, though some SALE incentives may apply.

Please contact Digital Media Vermont at 802-622-8000 for more informatin.


This website and project are built, developed and maintained by Digital Media Vermont.